Feb 16, 2012

Highlights of RedWing 2011 at PJ's

Some material from last year at PJ's. Sandy is conspicuous by her absence in this photo! Click the photo for more photos.

Once again, RedWing is looking for a new location.

For you restaurants, give me a call. We always bring in a steady crowd.

Jim Hughes Plays a fiddle modified by Keith and Oren

Jim Hughes stopped by to show me some of his "Gourd Instruments" and commented on the sound of my Chinese fiddle. Oren Siders and I (Keith Rowell) have been working on perfecting the "Tap Tuning" and "Chladni patterns" techniques of fine tuning the wooden parts of violins and mandolins for a couple of years now. Jim gives us a thumbs up!

To answer Jim's question "what did you do to it" click here.

Below is a photo of Jim's gourd instruments. They're very cool. He's been busy since I've seen his first one a year ago. It's always nice to see you Jim!

Jim's email: jimphughes@gmail.com
and phone: 770-883-7653