Mar 17, 2009

Red Wing # 21

We have no actual jam photos for this week. So here's a shot of the old bank in downtown Eatonton just a couple of blocks from the Plaza Arts Center.

Players were: Jack Logan, David Amonette, Oren Siders, Sandy Siders, Dan Kelhoffer, Mike Cameron, Mike Koester, Keith Rowell.

Song List: Amazing Grace, Angel Band, Bury me Beneath the Willow, Colorado Breakdown, Columbus Stockade Blues, Elzic's Farewell, Fireball Mail, Great Speckled Bird, Handsome Molly, I'll Fly Away, Jacky Tar, Jimmy Brown, Move it on Over, Old Home Place, Old Joe Clark, The Other Side of Town, Wabash Cannonball, When the Roses Bloom in Dixieland, Whiskey B'fore Breakfast.

Just as a side note: you can tell from this recording how the gallery's acoustics are inferior to the stage of the main auditorium. This recording was made in the gallery, a room with carpet and upholstered furniture, but still with hard surfaces on the walls and ceiling. Compared to show numbers 18,19, and 20 which were recorded on stage, this one "#21" sound like it was made in a tin can. It's apparently the theater curtains in the auditorium that absorb the echoes, not to mention the great acoustics of the hall it's self.

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