It was a special treat to have Toni and his wife Ursula for tea and music that afternoon. You can contact Toni at
excerpt from Bluegrass Industy News:
The 17th Annual General Meeting of the Swiss Bluegrass Music Association Dec. 1, 2011 marked a changing of the guard in the officer corps with Toni Noetzli taking over from Kent Miller (chairman since September 2006) as president. Toni joined the board in December 2009 as chief editor of the association's quarterly newsletter, a job he will continue to do. His “day job” is in the field of sports journalism. Known as a "walking dictionary for the 'Tour de Suisse,'" Toni can usually be found on the tracks of a famous skier (most recently Dario Cologna) or biker, depending on the season. Bluegrass has become his passion when he joined a monthly slow jam some years ago.
Thanks to broadcaster, country music historian, and festival organizer Walter Fuchs of Bühl/Baden, Germany, for the following links to performance videos from the bluegrass and old-time-music gathering at the Klosterhof Kusterdingen Cultural Center Jan. 5, 2012 - Translated to English