Red Wing sessions are suspended as of March 5th 2010.
The 113 Jefferson space is under contract to a new tenant. That's good news for Eatonton. We are steadily building that "critical mass" of economic activity that makes for a vibrant, thriving, community with higher quality of life components like restaurants and shops.
That means Red Wing is looking for new digs.
Ideally, we would hold our jams in a BarBeQue restaraunt, located on the courthouse square. It would be big enough to hold 60+ diners, sell beer and wine, and have room to store sound equipment permanently, and have a big shade tree in the parking lot with hay bales and singing horses. If you are planning such an endeavor (or anything similar) please contact me.
Failing that tall order, If your existing restaurant would like to host a bunch of musicians to get together and jam at your store once a week, it's a good way to increase traffic on those slow nights, and spread notoriety of your store through new channels. Call me and lets keep this train rolling in our community, before it rolls on to somewhere else.
Keith Rowell